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Podcast Ep14: NEAT- Daily Fat Burning

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

Simple & Effective Strategies to Increase Your Daily Fat Burning

 Show notes for Episode #14

We will learn simple and effective strategies to allow your body to increase its daily fat burning abilities. To do this, we will dive into NEAT which is short for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis and how it can be used to help in a body transformation as well as in General Health.

My goal with this episode is to help see the importance of applying more movement and activity into one’s lifestyle that when combined with a healthy diet can have profound long-term health benefits.

These simply yet effective strategies for increased fat loss are a great option, especially for those who don’t have the time to hit the gym yet still want to find ways to be active and include more movement into their day.

Plus we learn how to make the Ultimate Keto Salad!!

I hope you enjoy the show!!

The Burn it Nutrition Podcast is a show focused on health and fitness with the use of sound and stories to help illustrate the message. We want to help spark body transformations with the use of strategic methods for weight loss. This podcast will be releasing fun and interesting shows, that will be informative and motivational to help you reach your goals!

The show is hosted by Joseph Navarro, who went through his own transformation, Losing 60lbs of pure fat in 7 Months. Tune in and brace yourself for it’s time to let it Burn!!

Timed Stamp Show Notes

00:20= Intro

01:20 = News & Announcements – Fat Stick!!

05:10 = A sedentary life won’t be Worthy of Remembering

08:05 = We learn from the Body Transformation of my older Brother

12:37 = We hear from our sponsor about Pili Nuts

14:10 = The Dangers of Living a Sedentary Lifestyle

16:35 = We learn what exactly is Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT)

20:35 = We dive into the Strategies to increase your daily NEAT

26:35 = Add some dancing into your Day

28:17 = Recipe for the day! we got the Ultimate Keto Salad

30:43 = Closing thoughts
burn it nutrition Fat burning Machine

Thanks for Listening!

I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to our podcast.

If you know of anyone who can benefit from hearing this podcast, then please share it. Share it by using our social media buttons for this episode. Be the one who helps spark a transformation in your family!

Also, please leave us a review on the iTunes Burn it Nutrition Podcast page!

Every review helps us get noticed by iTunes so that we can help more people reach their health and weight loss goals. I would be truly grateful for this, and I do make sure to read every single one.

If you have some feedback that you’d like to share, them please send me an email to and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast, so you don’t miss another episode!

 Resources & References for this Episode:

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Podcast Ep13: Different Keto Lifestyles

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

Learn the different methods of applying the Keto Lifestyle

from SKD, CKD, TKD to the Calorie Restricted ketogenic Diet

plus the Modified version in 5th Stage Keto

 Show notes for Episode #13
We will learn the ways many modify the ketogenic diet and how it helps a diverse group of people.

Learn the benefits and methods of applying the Standard Ketogenic diet as well as the Cyclical and Targeted Ketogenic diet

Plus we learn about the Calorie Restricted Ketogenic diet used as a therapy for certain Cancers

We also go over UCAN Superstarch and how it can help elite athletes using the Target Ketogenic diet.

And we close this episode full of golden nuggets with the method of keto used in 5th Stage Keto, which I have found is the most sustainable and effective method to a Body Transformation.

We also learn how to make Keto Chicken Soup! An easy family dish we make with a slow cooker, which is a must have for any family.

I hope you enjoy the show!!

The Burn it Nutrition Podcast is a show focused on health and fitness with the use of sound and stories to help illustrate the message. We want to help spark body transformations with the use of strategic methods for weight loss. This podcast will be releasing fun and interesting shows, that will be informative and motivational to help you reach your goals!

The show is hosted by Joseph Navarro, who went through his own transformation, Losing 60lbs of pure fat in 7 Months. Tune in and brace yourself for it’s time to let it Burn!!

Timed Stamp Show Notes

00:20= Intro

03:41 = The Diversity of the Keto Family

07:17 = The Grand-daddy of them all, the Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD)

10:20 = The list of the health Benefits of SKD is long and impressive

16:36 = A look into the Calorie Restricted Ketogenic Diet as a possible tool to fight back against Cancer & how Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers can be used to further weaken cancer cells

23:38 = The Cyclical Ketogenic diet for muscle Gains or as long-term lifestyle

28:54 = My N=1 Experiment into Targeted Keto

39:45 = A Breakdown of the Modified Ketogenic diet used in 5th Stage Keto

43:23 = Recipe for the day! We make Keto Chicken Soup! An easy family dish with a slow cooker

45:39 = Closing thoughts

burn it nutrition Fat burning Machine

Thanks for Listening!

I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to our podcast.

If you know of anyone who can benefit from hearing this podcast, then please share it. Share it by using our social media buttons for this episode. Be the one who helps spark a transformation in your family!

Also, please leave us a review on the iTunes Burn it Nutrition Podcast page!

Every review helps us get noticed by iTunes so that we can help more people reach their health and weight loss goals. I would be truly grateful for this, and I do make sure to read every single one.

If you have some feedback that you’d like to share, them please send me an email to and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast, so you don’t miss another episode!

 Resources & References for this Episode:

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Podcast Ep12: Fasted Training & IF Tips

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

We dive into Fasted Training &

the Do’s and Don’ts of Intermittent Fasting (IF)

 Show notes for Episode #12

On today’s show, We will learn some of the do’s and don’ts of fasting, key mindset shifts that can help you in your fast. As well as diving into fasted training to learn ways to effectively implement it!

This is part 2 of our series on fasting and I am sure we will have more shows on this topic in the future.

I hope you enjoy the show!!

The Burn it Nutrition Podcast is a show focused on health and fitness with the use of sound and stories to help illustrate the message. We want to help spark body transformations with the use of strategic methods for weight loss. This podcast will be releasing fun and interesting shows, that will be informative and motivational to help you reach your goals!

The show is hosted by Joseph Navarro, who went through his own transformation, Losing 60lbs of pure fat in 7 Months. Tune in and brace yourself for it’s time to let it Burn!!

Timed Stamp Show Notes

00:20= Intro

01:20 = Maybe it’s time to leave your comfort zone

03:35 = The Practice of Fasting

07:35 = Hunger – a little dose of tough love

10:50 = Don’t Focus on the Clock, Instead get things done!

12:48 = It IS possible to gain weight with IF, Do not Binge!

15:40 = Try not to Overdo it on Coffee during a fast

18:00 = When the fasting window ends, make sure to eat!

19:50 = We dive into Fasted Training

22:30= Key Hormones at play during a Fasted Training

27:20= Address the Fear of Muscle Wasting

33:00= Fasted Training has benefits that go beyond fat burning

35:00 = Consider your goals when deciding to start IF or Fasted training

36:45 = The Perks of being a Fat Adapted Athlete

40:35 = Closing thoughts
burn it nutrition Fat burning Machine

Thanks for Listening!

I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to our podcast.

If you know of anyone who can benefit from hearing this podcast, then please share it. Share it by using our social media buttons for this episode. Be the one who helps spark a transformation in your family!

Also, please leave us a review on the iTunes Burn it Nutrition Podcast page!

Every review helps us get noticed by iTunes so that we can help more people reach their health and weight loss goals. I would be truly grateful for this, and I do make sure to read every single one.

If you have some feedback that you’d like to share, them please send me an email to and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast, so you don’t miss another episode!

 Resources & References for this Episode:

  • Anton S, Leeuwenburgh C. Fasting or caloric restriction for healthy aging. Exp Gerontol.2013;48(10):1003–1005. Accessed June 15, 2016.
  • Alirexzae M, et al. Short-term fasting induces profound neuronal autophagy. 2010;6(6):702–710. Accessed June 15,2016.
  • Safdie FM, et al. Fasting and cancer treatment in humans: A case series report. Aging. 2009;1(12):988–1007.
  • Kerndt, Peter R. et al. “Fasting: The History, Pathophysiology and Complications.” Western Journal of Medicine 137.5 (1982): 379–399. Print.
  • Alirezaei, Mehrdad et al. “Short-Term Fasting Induces Profound Neuronal Autophagy.” Autophagy 6.6 (2010): 702–710. PMC. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.
  • Ho, K Y et al. “Fasting Enhances Growth Hormone Secretion and Amplifies the Complex Rhythms of Growth Hormone Secretion in Man.” Journal of Clinical Investigation 81.4 (1988): 968–975. Print.
  • Rocha NS, Barbisan LF, de Oliveira MLC, de Camargo JLV. Effects of fasting and intermittent fasting on rat hepatocarcinogenesis induced by diethylnitrosamine. Teratogenesis, carcinogenesis, and mutagenesis. 2002;22(2):129–138.


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Podcast Ep11: Benefits of Fasting & Different Options

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

We shine the spotlight on Intermittent Fasting (IF) & Learn the benefits of fasting

it’s History & the some of the different methods

 Show notes for Episode #11

On today’s show, We will dive into the benefits of fasting & Learn a bit of it’s history, as well as going over the different methods and shine the spotlight on intermittent fasting (IF)

This is part 1 of our 2 part series on fasting, Next week we will go into the “Do’s & Dont’s” of Fasting and getting into fasted training.

I hope you enjoy the show!!

The Burn it Nutrition Podcast is a show focused on health and fitness with the use of sound and stories to help illustrate the message. We want to help spark body transformations with the use of strategic methods for weight loss. This podcast will be releasing fun and interesting shows, that will be informative and motivational to help you reach your goals!

The show is hosted by Joseph Navarro, who went through his own transformation, Losing 60lbs of pure fat in 7 Months. Tune in and brace yourself for it’s time to let it Burn!!

Timed Stamp Show Notes

00:20= Intro

01:20 = Fasting – Natures method of Healing

03:42 = We turn through the pages of the History of Fasting

08:08 = The Benefits of Fasting, a real life Fountain of Youth

12:50 =MTOR, Autophagy & MCT Coffee and how they all come together

16:00 = Dont Overload the Body or it too may Crash, Give it the Break it Needs

19:47 = An Overlooked Benefit of Fasting

23:40 = Keto, Fasting and a walk in the park

25:48 = A spotlight into Intermittent Fasting

31:11 = Not everyone should be fasting, Are you Prego?

37:17 = Closing thoughts of part 1 of the Fasting series
burn it nutrition Fat burning Machine

Thanks for Listening!

I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to our podcast.

If you know of anyone who can benefit from hearing this podcast, then please share it. Share it by using our social media buttons for this episode. Be the one who helps spark a transformation in your family!

Also, please leave us a review on the iTunes Burn it Nutrition Podcast page!

Every review helps us get noticed by iTunes so that we can help more people reach their health and weight loss goals. I would be truly grateful for this, and I do make sure to read every single one.

If you have some feedback that you’d like to share, them please send me an email to and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast, so you don’t miss another episode!

 Resources & References for this Episode:

  • Kerndt, Peter R. et al. “Fasting: The History, Pathophysiology and Complications.” Western Journal of Medicine 137.5 (1982): 379–399. Print.
  • Alirezaei, Mehrdad et al. “Short-Term Fasting Induces Profound Neuronal Autophagy.” Autophagy 6.6 (2010): 702–710. PMC. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.
  • Ho, K Y et al. “Fasting Enhances Growth Hormone Secretion and Amplifies the Complex Rhythms of Growth Hormone Secretion in Man.” Journal of Clinical Investigation 81.4 (1988): 968–975. Print.
  • Rocha NS, Barbisan LF, de Oliveira MLC, de Camargo JLV. Effects of fasting and intermittent fasting on rat hepatocarcinogenesis induced by diethylnitrosamine. Teratogenesis, carcinogenesis, and mutagenesis. 2002;22(2):129–138.
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Podcast Ep10: Mental Game in a Body Transformation

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

Overcome the Mental Game involved in a Body Transformation

&  the Morning routine to help blunt Hunger

 Show notes for Episode #10

On today’s show, We will discover how to overcome the mental game that is involved in a body transformation.  As well as going over the morning routine to help get you through the everyday hurdles of dieting.

As well as going over the morning routine to help get you through the everyday hurdles of dieting.

We also learn how to make a Super-fueled MCT Coffee to help blunt your hunger!!

I hope you enjoy the show!!

The Burn it Nutrition Podcast is a show focused on health and fitness with the use of sound and stories to help illustrate the message. We want to help spark body transformations with the use of strategic methods for weight loss. This podcast will be releasing fun and interesting shows, that will be informative and motivational to help you reach your goals!

The show is hosted by Joseph Navarro, who went through his own transformation, Losing 60lbs of pure fat in 7 Months. Tune in and brace yourself for it’s time to let it Burn!!

Timed Stamp Show Notes

00:20= Intro

01:20 = Mental Strength your X-factor

04:20 = Move with the End Goal in mind

06:35 = Food, is it the friend you have turned to in hard times?

13:30 = Learn to apply a Lifestyle not a Temporary Diet

16:07 = We are all human, Mistakes happen and that’s okay

19:20 = Don’t be the Victim in your Story

25:30 = Recipe for the day! we got a Super-fueled MCT Coffee

30:08 = Closing thoughts
burn it nutrition Fat burning Machine

Thanks for Listening!

I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to our podcast.

If you know of anyone who can benefit from hearing this podcast, then please share it. Share it by using our social media buttons for this episode. Be the one who helps spark a transformation in your family!

Also, please leave us a review on the iTunes Burn it Nutrition Podcast page!

Every review helps us get noticed by iTunes so that we can help more people reach their health and weight loss goals. I would be truly grateful for this, and I do make sure to read every single one.

If you have some feedback that you’d like to share, them please send me an email to and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast, so you don’t miss another episode!

 Resources & References for this Episode:

  • Here is the link to the recommendations page to get the MCT oil and Collagen Protein mentioned in the show.