A great American warrior J.R. Martinez once said, “I’ve learned in my life that it’s important to be able to step outside your comfort zone and be challenged with something you’re not familiar or accustomed to. That challenge will allow you to see what you can do.” words by a true survivor.
Have you ever played a video or arcade game that was set to easy mode? I am sure you were able to beat the level without breaking a sweat. Now did you feel proud? did it make you feel accomplished? let me guess – it didn’t. Well, that is because in order to truly feel satisfied and accomplished at the achievement of a goal. You need to make sure that the effort you expended to reach it was truly challenging you.
If you play any type of game and the level of difficulty isnt hard enough to really make you work for it. Then the end result wont give you a sense of accomplishment you can feel good about. You could win every time, but deep inside, you will know that anybody could have done it. Since the challenge itself was too easy.
let’s learn about an epic journey that tested the abilities of two brave athletes. A couple that chose to raise the bar and leave their mark on this earth, taking on a challenge most of us would never consider.
I want you to take a moment to imagine what it would be like to wake up in the middle of the open ocean and only have a 6-meter long row boat between you and the mysteries of the deep. That’s all that separates you from the living dangers of the aqueous wilderness of the open ocean. Imagine the thoughts and feelings when you know that there is no easy way out. No motor to speed you to safety, no sail to catch the strong winds hitting your face, no way to move closer to the security of the firm shoreline. Other than the paddles on your side and the strength of your own two hands.
But you are not stranded, this is not an emergency. You are there by choice, on a mission to cross the pacific ocean with no other help from the outside world. To leave the safety of the shores of California and set out over the crashing waves to the beaches of Hawaii. Does this sound like an impossible mission to complete, does it seem absurd to think it can be done? Well, that’s exactly what a couple chose to accomplish on June 18 of 2014.
This dangerous quest truly began many months before, in their preparation for this epic challenge. These two modern explorers where Sami Inkinen and his wife Meredith Loring. They embarked on this journey to show that great abilities of the human body and they used the power of the low-carb ketogenic diet to fuel the high-energy demands their bodies would require.
Sami who was originally born in Finland, was a tech entrepreneur that had a passion for sports that tested his abilities. His focus and determination to improve was showing great results and was a champion triathlon winner for his age group. Over the years he was also a multiple time Hawaii Ironman Finisher. He was in great shape and what would seem as pristine physical health.But even with all his intense training and physical abilities that lead to great accomplishments, his inner health was not as promising. At this period in his life, Sami was under the impression that the mainstream recommendation of a Low-fat Higher carb diet was the healthiest way to live, hey we all did. But even with his highly athletic lifestyle that involved intense training, his doctors still gave him the news that he was pre-diabetic. This drove Sami to dive into the science where he discovered the benefits of the low-carb high-fat diet and began a shift in his own perspective. Where he applied his mental strength that allowed him to upgraded his health. With the help of Dr. Stephen Finney, one of the luminaries of the Keto lifestyle. Both Sami and his wife Meredith were able to implement a more optimal nutrition that lead them to not just endure the grueling challenge of crossing the great pacific, but to do it in a record breaking time.
They first estimated the 2400 mile distance between California and Hawaii would take them around 60 days to complete. Well, they were able to reach Hawaii in only 45 days, but even 45 days in the uninhabitable environment of the pacific is not easily survived. They endured using the power of healthy fats as well as avoiding the sugar filled processed gels that many endurance athletes take. Sami and Meredith are great advocates of the dangers of excess sugar and did this journey partly to raise awareness. Thanks to their efforts, they were able to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars that they donated to the Institute for Responsible Nutrition which was lead by UCSF Professor Dr. Robert Lustig. A great effort for a great cause.
I want you to truly consider what it would take to cross the open ocean. Knowing that you would be doing it without the security of a rescue boat. Nowhere to go in case of an emergency, just you and your abilities to endure, to endure the pain of day after day of rowing. Pushing through strong waves and ever changing weather, moments of pure rain and water in all directions. Dealing with the possibilities of getting lost at sea or even the body breaking down under the physical stress. Threats from all types of dangers, from the fear of sinking or even getting struck by huge ocean ships. That’s what Sami and Meredith were up against and they knew they had to prepare.
Sami once said, “Preparation builds confidence”, and well prepared they made sure to be. The months leading up to start of their mission involved arduous conditioning that included resistance training as well as high-intensity interval training. Up to 8-hour long slow-paced rowing to build up their skills. It’s worth mentioning that Sami and Meredith were not pro-rowers. They didn’t grow up rowing but were new to this sport and still, they took on the challenge to test their determination and abilities in unfamiliar territory. In preparation for their challenge, one of the many factors they had to address was the caloric need of their bodies when under such high energy demands. They calculated their bodies would burn, when rowing 12hr days, around 9k calories for Sami and 5k calories for Meredith. This meant they had to find food sources that would not waste and endure the journey. In addition to not taking up too much storage space in their small row boat which they named the Roosevelt. After our 26th US President who was known for his love of adventure, the outdoors and expeditions. Well, that’s when the use of healthy fats as a main fuel source came into the rescue. They were now able to pack on 1 million calories of energy and more easily store it on their small row boat.
Sami went on to say how they meal prepped, “We bought real whole foods, such as nuts, seeds, salmon, coconut butter, dehydrated beef and vegetables, & We then created some of our own mixes and vacuum sealed everything by ourselves. We spent several days just packing our food, but it was worth it. This reminds me of the saying, “if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.” This method of nutrition made them able to complete their mission looking healthy and feeling great. But this challenge was more than just a physical one. This long and dangerous mission also put their marriage to the test. The isolation of the open ocean and the highs and lows of a long quest will bring out weaknesses in any couple. But they were willing to put the effort and work together when it mattered the most.
Before their departure, they even drew up their divorce papers and put them in a watered-sealed envelope and placed them in the bottom of the boat.
Maybe as a reminder of whats at stack or maybe just for a laugh. There team work under pressure and care that they had for each other made sure those divorce papers were never needed to be opened. And on August 2, 2014, they reached the firm ground of the Hawaiian islands. Breaking the world record for the fastest rowing speed from California to Hawaii.
This was their own great journey, their own test. They gave themselves this great task, which I am sure made them feel truly accomplished once they reached their goal. They were greeted with the traditional Hawaiian lei, but the transition onto dry land was a shaky one. They both had trouble getting the firm stability of their leg muscles back, which can be expected after such a disorienting long expedition. The first thing they asked for was a refreshing ice cold sparking water. Overall they looked great considering what they had just accomplished and neither had any desire to stuff their face with carbs. They simply continued their low-carb high -fat diet that very same day. The keto lifestyle really is a sustainable diet since it is so enjoyable, but more importantly is the health benefits it brings.
And now they can bring that great teamwork to raise up their new young addition to the family. Many people ask the couple whats next on their horizon, what new challenge awaits them? Well, I would say that job of raising a child is a hard one on its on. But whatever they decide to take on next, I am sure they will take it on with the tenacity and focus that they showed out in the great pacific ocean.
If you want to learn more about Sami and Meridith, then just got to their site at www.fatchancerow.org
If you set your goals ridiculously high and its a failure, you will fail above everyone elses success.– words by James Cameron
Individually we may all have different levels of intensity that challenge us, which is understandable. My objective here is to make you consider your own set goal, weather that is going through a body transformation. Or putting the extra effort at work for that promotion. Ask yourself if your being fully honest with yourself, are you really challenging yourself? Are you giving it all you got or are you happy just being average? But with only this one life on earth, one chance to leave your mark, why would we aim our arrow to just to be average?
Over the years, I have set my own challenges to test my own abilities and discipline. In 2012, I set a goal and gave myself the challenge of not having a single drink of alcohol for one year to test how this would impact my life. I didnt have any particular reasons to take on my task I didn’t have a drinking problem. I just wanted a challenge that I could look back on and be proud of. The same could be said of people who embark on endurance events like marathons, or even more challenging endeavors like rowing across the Pacific.
I was in my early twenties when I chose to take it on, just at the age many start to hit the bars and yea, I had several nights when my discipline was tested. Getting invited to go out surrounded by friends who were drinking and enjoying themselves was a regular occurence, but I stayed strong. These were the moments that made it truly challenging. I didnt lock myself in a room, avoiding all forms of social environments so as not to be tempted. That would be avoiding the challenge I gave myself.
My challenge was completed on New Years Eve, 2013; and we decided to celebrate it by going to the staples center in downtown LA to see the comedian Kevin Hart perform. After the clock struck midnight and show and fireworks went off and everyone gave each other their hugs, I had a momment I will never forget. I knew I had accomplished my own set goal of going 365 days without one sip of alcohol. I showed myself that with determination and focus all things are possible. Just taking it one day at a time, one decision at a time towards the goal, towards the mark that I set for myself. After the comedy show, we headed across the street to the Rits hotel bar and I ordered my first alcoholic drink. I gotta be honest It was one of the best drinks I have ever hadnot because it had anything special, but because of the effort I put in to accomplish my challenge. A personally set goal that allowed me to test my discipline and willpower on a long-term challenge. Unfortunately, back when I took on this challenge, I was still eating the crappy Standard American Diet, so my health didnt improve by much that year. But a few years later, I was able to apply this same effort and determination to 5th Stage Keto, which allowed me to lose 60lbs of pure fat in 7 months, improving all aspects of my life.
Look into a challenge that will truly make you feel accomplished when you complete it. It doesnt have to be as intense as rowing across the Pacific, but you should make it hard enough that you will remember it for the rest of your life. My current clients are taking on the challenge of trying the keto lifestyle for 6 months to see if in that time they can accomplish more, feel healthier and have better relationships. And when completed, they will decide which lifestyle allows them to truly thrive. Embarking on a health challenge can spark up all sorts of other motivations to improve other areas of your life. It can be used as a catalyst for a whole new direction. If you ask many accomplished CEOs for a fundamental pillar to their success, you will find that a common answer is the importance of keeping their bodies working efficiently through nutrition and fitness. This allows them to have the energy and focus to build up their companies and keep pressing forward.
So what challenge are you going to give yourself? What will make you feel proud once completed, how will you feel when you look back on it?
I offer the challenge to anyone who wants to start their own body transformation and reach 5th Stage Keto. This body transformation plan gives you a step-by-step breakdown on how to burn away those extra 30lbs without the crazy hunger pains of mainstream diets.
Learn how to reach 5th Stage Keto Here!!