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Podcast 50: Dr.Terry Wahls Diet for MS!

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

Dr. Terry Wahls Diet she applied for MS! 

 Show notes for Episode #50

  • Dr. Terry Wahls shares her story of reversing Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, a disease at one point had her confined to a tilt-recline wheelchair.
  • Hear about the diet and lifestyle program she designed specifically for her brain.
  • Learn about the power of Sulfer Rich Vegetables, how to protect your cholesterol and how to turn a tragedy into a story of triumph!
  • I also go into my recent experience with climate change and the Southern California Wild Fires in Thousand Oaks on Nov. 8th, 2018.

Listen all the way through so you don’t miss any of this powerful information!

Enjoy the show!!

Timed Stamp Show Notes

01:07= Intro

06:41 = Interview with Dr. Terry Wahls

51:52 = Closing thoughts

Links & Resources for this Episode:

Bone Broth by Bare Bones Broth at Use the code “BURNIT” at checkout for 15% off first order! Link to store locator:

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One of the hardest weeks to experience, a mass shooting and the obvious climate change seen on the Southern California Wild Fires in Thousand Oaks on Nov. 8th, 2018.

References For this Episode

Notice of Sponsorship Affiliate Disclosure with Peak Yogurt, MCT Co, Stoka Nutrition, Dry Farm Wines, Fox Hill Kitchens, Amazon

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