Have you ever had to apologize for your cranky attitude, or maybe some nasty things you said while hangry (hungry-angry)? If so, then don’t feel too bad, because you’re not alone. Hunger, and the mood swings it brings, can have more of an impact on your life then you would have first thought. I’ve had my set of hangry moments, causing me to get frustrated easily.My motivation to start a diet came on strong but having to go to bed hungry each and every night made it hard to stay focused. I would try to eat “healthy”, or at least what I thought was “healthy”, but it felt like the cravings always won. I never felt satisfied and saw little progress for all my efforts, making it feel like my weight loss goals were practically out of reach. Well, thousands of people like myself have discovered that it doesn’t have to be that way.
When starting a body transformation where fat loss is your goal, you need to be in a caloric deficit, making your body tap into its own fat stores for energy. (1) But starvation is not the answer; I had the chance to learn for myself that fat loss is possible without having to go through the intense hunger pains that come along with standard weight-loss methods, like “just eat less and exercise more” or “everything in moderation”.
For decades, we have been told that in order to burn fat, we have to eat less and exercise more. But I know I am not the only one who has realized that this doesn’t work — at least, not in the long run. Attempting a body transformation using starvation and over-training can lead to some weight loss, but unfortunately, it won’t all be fat, but also lean muscle mass. Starving yourself in an attempt to burn fat will slow down your metabolism, making it tougher to maintain any progress towards your goals. (2)
To see effective progress and reduce the negative side effects of being in a caloric deficit, you have to choose foods that will fuel you on a cellular level and keep you full for longer.Our body doesn’t process food as simply as calories in versus calories out; the composition of the calories is what matters. People scarf down a microwaveable dinner or head to the nearest drive-through for some quick fast food and come out feeling stuffed, but have they truly fed themselves? You see, food isn’t just calories but information — the different molecules that make it up are a set of instructions that tells your body how to process what just came into your system. If you eat junk like refined carbohydrates that come from a factory, full of ingredients you can’t even pronounce, will cause your blood sugar to spike. This will release the hormone insulin into your blood stream, with the job of bringing blood sugar levels back down and delivering nutrients for energy into your cells.
Two issue when consuming refined carbs:
➢ One: they are practically empty calories, providing very little nourishment to your cells.
➢ Two: what goes up must come down — spikes in your blood sugar will release higher amounts of insulin which can lead to a dip below normal levels. This brings on intense cravings and a hunger for more carbs. (3)
This makes staying in a caloric deficit difficult for the average dieter. You can try to use all your willpower and fight this battle, but it will lower your chances of winning the war for long-term fat loss.
The way your body responds to 300 calories of a Hot Pocket is very different to 300 calories of wild-caught salmon. You should always look at the ingredients list of any food you’re buying; the longer the list, the more suspicious you should be. Try to eat real whole foods that have ingredients your grandmother would recognize. Last time I checked, we didn’t have propylene glycol alginate in our pantry. This ingredient is used as a thickener for salad dressings, and is also used for antifreeze. Doesn’t that sound yummy? I don’t think so.
Again, to beat hunger, you need to control your blood sugar levels, and you can do this by eating a low-carb diet that’s high in healthy fats. Choosing healthy fats for the majority of your calories will make being in a caloric deficit feel like a day at the beach. Food and hunger will no longer have control over your emotions, allowing you to focus on improving the relationship between you and your loved ones. I found that the best approach to reducing hunger on a body transformation has been on a keto lifestyle. Most of my family has gone keto, too, and we are actually getting along a lot better. More importantly, some of the health benefits that we have seen have made this lifestyle a true blessing.
When my father went keto, his type 2 diabetes began to reverse, his blood sugar was finally able to come down, from close to 291 mg/dL to 173 mg/dL in only one month and after two months it was down to 152 mg/dl with minimal exercise. Hunger and all the trouble it brings doesn’t have to be an issue for you; it’s not for me anymore. This new-found control has allowed me to lose 60 lbs. of pure fat in seven months. I have tried other methods before, but nothing has been as beneficial as going keto; that is why I am so thankful I found this diet. Now,these methods aren’t for everyone; some people can handle more carbs and still do fine. But if you have tried other strategies and failed, then why not give it a shot? You may not lose as much as I did, but getting rid of those extra 30 lbs. would make next summer one to remember. One thing is for sure— a body transformation requires more than just being in a caloric deficit to maintain healthy progress. You can subscribe and get a Keto Food Guide, and other strategies to help lead you towards your goals and towards winning the war on constant hunger.
- 1) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Managing Overweight and Obesity in Adults: Systematic Evidence Review from the Obesity Expert Panel. 2013 July;12(7):593-601.
- 2) Redman, L.M., Heilbronn, L.K., Martin, C.K., de Jonge, L., Williamson, D.A., Delany, J.P., & Ravussin, E. Metabolic and Behavioral Compensations in Response to Caloric Restriction: Implications for the Maintenance of Weight Loss. PLoS One. 9 February 2009;4(2): e4377.
- 3) Chabot, F., Caron, A., Laplante, M., & St-Pierre, D.H. Interrelationships between ghrelin, insulin and glucose homeostasis: Physiological relevance. World J Diabetes. 2014 Jun 15;5(3):328-341.