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Podcast Episode#36: Science of Food Addiction w/Drew Manning

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

Science of Food Addiction w/Drew Manning

 Show notes for Episode #36

The Burn it Nutrition Podcast is a show focused on health and fitness with the use of sound and stories to help illustrate the message. We want to help spark body transformations with the use of strategic methods for weight loss. This podcast will be releasing fun and interesting shows, that will be informative and motivational to help you reach your goals!

The show is hosted by Fitness & Nutrition Coach Joseph Navarro, who went through his own transformation, Losing 60lbs of pure fat in 7 Months. Tune in and brace yourself for it’s time to let it Burn!!

Today we dive into the serious topic of food addiction and how our brains reward center has a lot to do with it. Hear how the food industry spent millions to discover how to get us hooked on their snacks. Our Featured guest is Drew Manning of fit2fat2fit.

Listen all the way through so you don’t miss any key points.

I hope you enjoy the show!!

Timed Stamp Show Notes

00:20= Intro

04:30 = Battle with Addiction

09:05 = Food Addiction Survey

12:05 = Science of Food Addiction

19:53 = Food Industry Discovery of Bliss Point

27:13 = Interview with Drew Manning

01:15:25 = Social Support & Mental Strength

01:12:15 = Closing thoughts

 Resources & References for this Episode:


            • To Get your Penny Bottle from Dry Farm Wines head to Click Here For Penny Bottle

            • Here are some helpful websites to help with Food Addictions, Make sure to talk to a professional doctor: &

            • Studies for this episode:
            • Nieh EH, et al “Decoding neural circuits that control compulsive sucrose seeking” Cell 2015; DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.01.003.
            • Chauvet, Claudia et al. “Environmental Enrichment Reduces Cocaine Seeking and Reinstatement Induced by Cues and Stress but Not by Cocaine.” Neuropsychopharmacology?: official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 34.13 (2009): 2767–2778. PMID 19741591
            • Alexander, B.K., Coambs, R.B., and Hadaway, P.F. (1978). “The effect of housing and gender on morphine self-administration in rats,” Psychopharmacology, Vol 58, 175–179. PMID 98787

                • Notice of Sponsorship & Affiliate Disclosure with Generation UCAN, Ketond & Dry Farm Wines