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Podcast Episode#32 Dairy & Weight loss | Best Dairy Sources & Substitutions

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

Dairy & Weight loss

Maria Emmerich & Dairy Substitutions

Melinda Hemmelgarn & Best Sources of Dairy!

 Show notes for Episode #32
Part 2 of our series on dairy! Today we go into dairy’s effects on weight loss. We Learn the best sources of dairy to go for when keeping your health as a priority with investigative nutritionist Melinda Hemmelgarn.

We will hear from all sides of this topic and to do this we will also hear from one of the leading minds in the keto community and that is Maria Emmerich to learn why some choose to go dairy free while following a keto diet. To end the show we will give useful dairy substitutions for those that make the leap to go dairy free.

This episode is packed with great takeaways, giving you everything you need to know about all things dairy! So make sure to hear all the way through since I know you will learn a lot.

I hope you enjoy the show!!

The Burn it Nutrition Podcast is a show focused on health and fitness with the use of sound and stories to help illustrate the message. We want to help spark body transformations with the use of strategic methods for weight loss. This podcast will be releasing fun and interesting shows, that will be informative and motivational to help you reach your goals!

The show is hosted by Fitness & Nutrition Coach Joseph Navarro, who went through his own transformation, Losing 60lbs of pure fat in 7 Months. Tune in and brace yourself for it’s time to let it Burn!!

Timed Stamp Show Notes

00:20= Intro

04:42 = Difference of Opinion is OK

07:03 = Dairy & Weight Loss

16:30 = Interview with Melinda Hemmelgarn on Organic Dairy

48:12 = Interview with Maria Emmerich on Dairy Free Keto

01:18:58 = Keto Dairy Substitutions

01:20:50 = Closing thoughts

burn it nutrition Fat burning Machine

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 Resources & References for this Episode: