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Podcast79: Lyme Disease Part 2

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

Lyme Disease w/Dr. Daniel Cameron

Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

 Show notes for Episode #79

  • Dr. Daniel Cameron goes into why Lyme Disease is Spreading
  • Learn the history of this disease & how to prevent it 
  • The symptoms to look for and ways to treat it
  • Long term effect os Lyme & Antibiotics

Part 2 of a 2 part series – My battle with Lyme Disease and everything I learned to heal from it

Links & Resources for this Episode:

Learn more about Dr. Daniel Cameron:


Clinic Phone Number: 914-666-4665 

Podcast Shop Page

Joovv Red Light, UCAN Superstarch & Vitamin C I use at

Dry Farm Wines Click Here For Penny Bottle

Support the Podcast in our your end fundraiser at:

Leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts Review Here

References For this Episode

Notice of Sponsorship Affiliate Disclosure with Real Good Foods, Dry Farm Wines, SuperFat, Ned, Amazon, Dry Farm Wines

Please read the full medical disclaimer  Here

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The Reality of Modern Day Slavery

The majority of us live with the idea that slavery is a dark memory of our nation’s past. That the days when innocent lives were forced to work or sexually exploited are long behind us. Well, the sad reality is that now more then ever slavery thrives and is all around us, but in the shadows.

Just to give you an idea of the gravity of the situation here are some of the numbers. In the United States cases of human trafficking are found in all 50 states, and almost every country.

It is estimated that more than 40 million people are forced to live in modern slavery, 25 million of which are in forced labor situations. And worse is that almost 5 million women are forced into sexual exploitation. This is a life many are forced to endure all their lives, so much so that 15 million victims are forced into marriages against their will.

This raise in Human Trafficking will only keep worsening unless we stand together and fight for those who can not defend themselves. We can read in the pages of scripter the need to be advocates for weak, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” –Proverbs 31:8-9

I know there is an army of believers willing to fight for these children who need to be rescued but the issue many have is they are not aware of the signs showing someone is a current victim of human trafficking.

What are some of the signs to look for to give you a clue that someone needs your help? Well here are some of the key signals to keep in mind:

  • Victims will usually avoid direct eye contact with others.
  • They will be mostly silent and not allowed to speak for themselves.
  • Their physical appearance may seem uncared for, unclean or malnourished
  • They may be working or living in locations where there is unusual levels of security like dark tinted windows, gates, cameras or guard dogs.

These are signs that we should look out for but it’s important to not confront the problem alone. The traffickers who are responsible for these victims will be armed and willing to hurt anyone which is why bringing your concerns to the police or non-profit organizations like Zoe International is the right plan of action.

Zoe International and its supporters have taken on the mission to finally end human trafficking with the ultimate goal of reaching every person & rescuing every child. Zoe does this in 3 steps, Prevention, Rescue & Restoration.

The prevent human trafficking by bringing awareness to the very real issue that’s on the rise on a global scale. They Rescue victims in collaboration with local law enforcement when a victim is brought to their attention. And the Restoration of victims is just as important, this is done by bringing them to a safe house to receive specialized care, love, and support.

The mission to end Human Trafficking will take a tribe, a global community to support the effort. Become part of the solution and team up with Zoe Internation. Click the link below to learn of all the different ways you help save a life today!

Learn How to Help End Human Trafficking Now

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Podcast #78: Lyme Disease Part 1

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

I’m Sick – My Story with Lyme Part 1

 Show notes for Episode #78

  • Solo Episode – sharing my very real experience with this mysterious disease that was breaking down my body
  • The struggle to find answers from credible doctors
  • Finding the best supplements to heal naturally
  • Finding the best doctors for a wholistic approach
  • Harnessing the power of the mind to heal

This episode is part 1 of a 2 part series where I share all about my struggle disease that has been trying to break me down. I share my journey and everything I learned in the process.

Links & Resources for this Episode:

Podcast Shop Page

Joovv Red Light, UCAN Superstarch & Vitamin C I use at

Support the Podcast in our your end fundraiser at:

Leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts Review Here

References For this Episode

Notice of Sponsorship Affiliate Disclosure with Real Good Foods, Dry Farm Wines, SuperFat, Ned, Amazon, UCAN, JOOVV

Please read the full medical disclaimer  Here

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Podcast#77: Science of Alcohol w/Todd White

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

Todd White Founder of Dry Farm Wines

Science of Alcohol

 Show notes for Episode #77

  • Todd White Founder of Dry Farm Wines shares the insider insight of the Wine Industry
  • Learn the science & History of Alcohol consumption
  • The effects alcohol has on our health
  • Ways to enjoy alcohol the right way  

This episode is a fun one, lots of fun facts and great info to apply during your holiday parties!

Timed Stamp Show Notes

01:00 = Intro

06:05 = History of Alcohol

15:30 = Science of Alcohol

22:10 = Interview with Todd White

01:03:33 = Closing thoughts

Links & Resources for this Episode:

Here are the links to learn more about Todd White:




Get your 1 Penny Bottle of Keto Wine from Dry Farm Wines Click Here For Penny Bottle


Check out the Podcast Shop Page for the essentials I use at

Leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts Review Here

References For this Episode

Notice of Sponsorship Affiliate Disclosure with Real Good Foods, Dry Farm Wines, SuperFat, Ned, Amazon, JOOVV

Please read the full medical disclaimer  Here

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Podcast #76: Dr. Paul Saladino Carnivore MD

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

Dr. Paul Saladino

Carnivore Diet & Lifespan

 Show notes for Episode #76

  • Dr. Paul Saladino debunks the myths behind a Carnivore Diet
  • Longterm effects of a Carnivore Diet on Lifespan
  • Do we need fiber on a Carnivore Diet
  • Debunking Netflix Doc. The Game Changers
  • Carnivore Diets positive impact on Deuterium Levels 

This episode is packed with the science of a higher protein diet, an episode that debunks a lot of the myths of meat-based diets! 

Timed Stamp Show Notes

01:10 = Intro

07:32 = Interview with Dr. Paul Saladino

57:40 = Closing thoughts

Links & Resources for this Episode:

Here are the links to learn more about Dr. Paul Saladino:


Instagram: Here

Youtube: Here

His book is coming out soon!

Try Ned Full Spectrum Hemp Oil with 15% off your first order —FREE SHIPPING—go to and use code “BURNIT

Get your Keto Wine Dry Farm Wines Thanksgiving Collection Click Here For Penny Bottle

Learn more about UCAN Superstarch at use code “BURNIT” for 15% off discount!

Check out the Podcast Shop Page for the essentials I use at

Leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts Review Here

References For this Episode

Notice of Sponsorship Affiliate Disclosure with Real Good Foods, Dry Farm Wines, SuperFat, Ned, Amazon, UCAN

Please read the full medical disclaimer  Here