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About Joseph Navarro, founder of Burn it Nutrition

Hey there — thanks for dropping in. I am Joseph Navarro, founder of Burn it Nutrition. I have struggled with my weight for most of my life; at my heaviest, I was close to 300 lbs. with 40% body fat.


My Journey is still in the works.

I went through a gauntlet of research to learn the real truths about how to effectively burn fat. I implementing tactics I learned, like the ketogenic diet, I also applied biohacking strategies to add a leading-edge approach that helped my progress. I learned the right way to beat cravings and finally sate my ravenous hunger. Using workout methods I actually enjoyed, with a focus on shaping you up rather than breaking you down, made me look forward to my training on a consistent basis.

I made it a habit to keep learning something new on health and wellness each and every day. I kept fueling my motivation by listing to health podcasts and diving into heath books. As well as getting my Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification in Sports Nutrition.

There were some ups and downs that made my journey pretty tough. I’m here to help those who are struggling with health to spread the wisdom that they may never have known were viable.

Why did you create Burn it Nutrition?

I founded Burn it Nutrition to help guide those to learn all the ways to be healthy and avoid disease long into life.

What do you do for fun?

I have a huge variety of hobbies that I like to take part in when I’m not working. On the top of my list is being out in nature. I love the mountains, especially in the winter. If I could get on a plane and go anywhere in the world, it would be to a mountain town like Breckenridge, Colorado or Salt Lake City, Utah. The whole lifestyle that comes from living in the mountains brings a smile to my face. I love waking up to the fresh air and the snow-covered peaks. The joy of jumping into a steaming hot tub after hitting the slopes never gets old to me, either. I also like playing golf a lot lol. I like to play every weekend. But my main focus is my family, my wife and my newborn son are my world.

Learn How to Reach 5th Stage Keto and transform your body from the inside out.