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Podcast Ep45: Best & Worst Sweeteners w/Keto Connect

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

Best & Worst Sweeteners w/Keto Connect

Diet Sodas|Fat Bombs| Blood Sugar Experiment

 Show notes for Episode #45

  • Best & worst Keto Sweeteners! Effects of stevia, erythritol, monk fruit and aspartame on blood sugar.
  • Matt and Megha of keto connect give us the science/methods to enjoy our favorite foods like keto fat bombs & Tortillas!
  • Top sweeteners, they use on a daily basis.W
  • Diet sodas! Where does diet soda fit into a keto diet?

Listen all the way through so you don’t miss any of this powerful information!

Enjoy the show!!

Timed Stamp Show Notes

01:00= Intro

05:33 = We Crave Sweetnes

08:33 = Interview with Keto Connect

01:03:35 = Closing thoughts

Links & Resources for this Episode:

Learn more about Ketond and their Metabolic Accelerator at use code “BURNIT” for a discount!

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Studies & References For this Episode

  • Anton, Stephen D., Corby K. Martin, Hongmei Han, Sandra Coulon, William T. Cefalu, Paula Geiselman, and Donald A. Williamson. “Effects of Stevia, Aspartame, and Sucrose on Food Intake, Satiety, and Postprandial Glucose and Insulin Levels.” Appetite 55.1 (2010): 37-43. Web.
  • Ghanta, Srijani, Anindita Banerjee, Avijit Poddar, and Sharmila Chattopadhyay. “Oxidative DNA Damage Preventive Activity and Antioxidant Potential OfStevia Rebaudiana(Bertoni) Bertoni, a Natural Sweetener.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55.26 (2007): 10962-0967. Web.
  • Liu, C., L-H Dai, D-Q Dou, L-Q Ma, and Y-X Sun. “A Natural Food Sweetener with Anti-pancreatic Cancer Properties.” Oncogenesis 5.4 (2016): n. pag. Web.
  • Music used: Touch – Mattia Cupelli…
  • Ross Bugden Music at

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