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Podcast Episode#35 Net Carbs vs Total Carbs & Fiber on Keto

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

Net Carbs vs Total Carbs w/Ketologist Chris Irvin

& Fiber on a Keto Diet

 Show notes for Episode #35

The Burn it Nutrition Podcast is a show focused on health and fitness with the use of sound and stories to help illustrate the message.

The show is hosted by Fitness & Nutrition Coach Joseph Navarro, who went through his own transformation, Losing 60lbs of pure fat in 7 Months.

On this episode, learn which is best Net Carbs vs Total Carbs. Also, learn the importance of fiber and how it fits into a keto diet. We bring in the Ketologist Chris Irvin and he shares the strategies he uses to help break passed weight loss plateaus!

So make sure to listen all the way through so you don’t miss any key points.

I hope you enjoy the show!!

Timed Stamp Show Notes

00:20= Intro

04:16 = Marketing to LowCarb Enthusiast

08:12 = Fiber & Net Carbs vs Total Carbs

16:21 = Interview with the Ketologist Chris Irvin

56:20 = Best Low Carb Fiber Sources on Keto

01:00:15 = Closing thoughts

burn it nutrition Fat burning Machine

Thanks for Listening!

If you know of anyone who can benefit from hearing this podcast, then please share it. Be the one who helps spark a transformation in your family!

Also, please leave us a review on the iTunes Burn it Nutrition Podcast page!

Every review helps us get noticed by iTunes so that we can help more people reach their health and weight loss goals. I would be truly grateful for this, and I do make sure to read every single one.

If you have some feedback that you’d like to share, then please send me an email to and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

 Resources & References for this Episode:

  • Here are the links to learn more about Chris Irvin:Instagram @TheKetologist  Facebook @theketologist  The Ketologist Website:

            • Learn more about Levl Ketone Breath Analyzer at and use the code “burnit” for $25 dollar discount

            • For the link to the Flax Seed Crackers go to the show notes page at or Click Here

              For the link to the Organic Flax Seed Powder go to the show notes page at or Click Here

            • Studies for this episode:
            • Anderson JW, Baird P, Davis RH Jr, et al. (2009) Health benefits of dietary fiber. Nutr Re; 67, 188–205.
            • Slavin, J. (2013). Fiber and Prebiotics: Mechanisms and Health Benefits. Nutrients; 5, 1417-1435; doi:10.3390/nu5041417
            • Konings, E., Schoffelen, P. F., Stegen, J., & Blaak, E. E. (2014). Effect of polydextrose and soluble maize fibre on energy metabolism, metabolic profile and appetite control in overweight men and women. British Journal of Nutrition; 111(01), 111-121.
            • Pereira, M. A., O’Reilly, E., Augustsson, K., Fraser, G. E., Goldbourt, U., Heitmann, B. L., … & Spiegelman, D. (2004). Dietary fiber and risk of coronary heart disease: a pooled analysis of cohort studies. Archives of internal medicine, 164(4), 370-376.
            • Chen, W. J. L., & Anderson, J. W. (1979). Effects of plant fiber in decreasing plasma total cholesterol and increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.Experimental Biology and Medicine, 162(2), 310-313.
            • Ou, S., Kwok, K. C., Li, Y., & Fu, L. (2001). In vitro study of possible role of dietary fiber in lowering postprandial serum glucose. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 49(2), 1026-1029.

                • Notice of Affiliate Disclosure with Perfect Keto, Levl, Thrive Market, Amazon & Dry Farm Wines