5th Stage Keto Audiobook
Body Transformation Plan – 2 Workout Methods to choose!

Learn More Here Learn More Here Audiobook & Ebook

5th Stage Keto Science in plain English!

  • An Audiobook Like you have never heard!
  • Stages to shift into a Fat Adapted State.
  • Real benefits of healthy fats & how to use them effectively! 
  • Health Markers that really Matter!
  • Break past weight loss plateaus!
  • Effectively implement Intermittent Fasting (IF)!!
  • Full Keto Food guide with recipes.
  • 2 Training Methods to Choose from! RPT (Harder) for best results – TUT (Easier) to a reduced risk of injury.

5th Stage Keto w/TUT 5th Stage Keto w/RPT

Customer Reviews

<style=”text-align: center;” > “The podcast in Combination with the Ebook from Burn it Nutrition, has been very helpful in my success with the Keto Diet” – Dab Earhorne <style=”text-align: center;” >“I picked up my copy of 5th Stage Keto and it exceeded my expectations! Everything I wanted plus more. I was really hoping that 5th Stage Keto would provide the missing links and kind of connect the dots, and it did!!” – Wayne G. <style=”text-align: center;” > “This is a great book! It has helped me lose 35 lbs!” – Brian G.  <style=”text-align: center;” > “5th Stage Keto is a great manual to have when you’re just starting out, and have found too many “keto expert” websites” Keep up the great work! – Doberman74 burn-it-trio

What 5thStage Keto Did for Me!!

My transformation started when I realized that my weight had become a serious problem.

At my heaviest, I weighed in at close to 300 pounds and had 40% body fat.

Keto Diet

When I started, I didn’t want to admit it, but I was on a road to diabetes and a life of declining health. 

It looked like it was just going to get worse with every year and there was no changing it, or was there?

Week 1278 lbs (4)

I had a lot of weight to lose and I needed something that was effective!

For several long months I dove into the research, read book after book as well as getting my certification in Exercise Nutrition with Precision Nutrition.

I did the research to find what where the most effective methods to lose the weight, and most importantly, to get Healthy.


Week 1278 lbs (13)

What I discovered allowed me to implement a lifestyle that lead to me losing 60lbs of pure fat in just 7 months.

I kept my lean muscle mass and burned away the fat that was trying to take over my body.

Week 1278 lbs

I felt alive, energized, and truly happy again. 

I discovered a hidden scroll with the secrets that would allow me to not just live but thrive!

diet-risistance-training I have created the 5th Stage Keto
Audiobook with 2 training methods to choose from to help step up your lifestyle! Both should help you lose those extra 35 lbs without the hunger pains of a normal diet.
Most aggressive of the two is the RPT Training of 5th Stage Keto Learn More Here Learn More Here

Take a look inside this
Hidden Scroll of Weight Loss Secrets! Press play above and listen to a free preview! IMG_0334 IMG_0335 IMG_0336 IMG_0338 Look Inside Examples page 57 a

Place Fitness & Nutrition as a priority in your life
Everything you need to get started is inside!

5th Stage Keto w/TUT – I Need This One 5th Stage Keto w/RPT – I Need This One <style=”text-align: center;” > “My Husband and I started listening beginning of this year! Absolutely love your show! He has lost 30 pounds and I have lost 20, We appreciate all your guidance and continue to enjoy the keto lifestyle huge thank you for changing our lives” – from David and Geneva <style=”text-align: center;” >“Listened to all chapters of your podcast and bought your book straight after. Hope you keep producing more to share! Thanks again” Anthony W.

Spanish Translation Coming Soon! 

Versión en español ¡Muy pronto!!


5a Etapa Keto – Plan de Transformacion Corporal Con Ejercicios TBT

por Joseph Navarro

Quiero esto!

Con la compra usted reconoce que ha leído y está de acuerdo con los
Términos y Condiciones de Uso y Descargo de Responsabilidad Médica.

Esta versión cuenta con un método de entrenamiento que es ideal para personas que quieren mejorar su movilidad y reducir el riesgo de lesiones. Es perfecto para aquellos que quieren mejorar la funcionalidad de los musculos. El método Tiempo Bajo Tensión o TBT es un tipo de levantamiento de pesas que es fácil en las articulaciones y todavía le da la mayor parte de los beneficios del entrenamiento con resistencia. Ambos métodos incluyen un desglose completo para llegar a 5ª Etapa Keto que le hará en una Máquina de Quemar Grasa.


5a Etapa Keto – Plan de Transformacion Corporal Con Ejercicios EPI

de Joseph Navarro

Quiero esto!

Con la compra usted reconoce que ha leído y está de acuerdo con los
Términos y Condiciones de Uso y Descargo de Responsabilidad Médica.

Esta versión cuenta con un método de entrenamiento que es ideal para las personas que quieren ver los mayores cambios en la composición corporal; este es el método que uso hoy en dia. El método de Entrenamiento Pirámide Inversa o EPI, Es el método más efectivo de los dos. Implica conjuntos más pesados con alta intensidad. Debe ser muy cuidadoso con buena técnica y forma controlada para evitar lesiones. Ambos métodos incluyen un desglose completo para llegar a 5ª Etapa Keto que le hará en una Máquina de Quemar Grasa.