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Podcast Ep28: Exogenous Ketones w/Dr. Adam Nally

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

Exogenous Ketones w/Dr. Adam Nally

Everything you need to know about these Ketone Supplements

 Show notes for Episode #28
Spotlight on exogenous ketones to learn what the science says are the actual benefits. We bring in one of the leading minds in this field and that is Dr. Adam Nally to break down the science. Also, we will clear up the confusion on the claims of exogenous ketones being a weight loss supplement and learn the facts about what they actually do.

I hope you enjoy the show!!

The Burn it Nutrition Podcast is a show focused on health and fitness with the use of sound and stories to help illustrate the message. We want to help spark body transformations with the use of strategic methods for weight loss. This podcast will be releasing fun and interesting shows, that will be informative and motivational to help you reach your goals!

The show is hosted by Joseph Navarro, who went through his own transformation, Losing 60lbs of pure fat in 7 Months. Tune in and brace yourself for it’s time to let it Burn!!

Timed Stamp Show Notes

00:20= Intro

02:48 = Misunderstood Tools

07:27 = Endogenous Vs Exogenous Ketones

12:44 = Origins of Exogenous Ketones

18:10 = Interview with Dr. Adam Nally

52:52 = Exogenous Ketones and weight loss, Athletes & TBIs

01:00:25 = Ways to Use Exogenous Ketones & Best Options

01:05:58 = Closing thoughts
burn it nutrition Fat burning Machine

Thanks for Listening!

I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to our podcast.

If you know of anyone who can benefit from hearing this podcast, then please share it. Share it by using our social media buttons for this episode. Be the one who helps spark a transformation in your family!

Also, please leave us a review on the iTunes Burn it Nutrition Podcast page!

Every review helps us get noticed by iTunes so that we can help more people reach their health and weight loss goals. I would be truly grateful for this, and I do make sure to read every single one.

If you have some feedback that you’d like to share, then please send me an email to and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast, so you don’t miss another episode!

 Resources & References for this Episode:


      • Shannon L. Kesl,corresponding author Angela M. Poff, Nathan P. Ward, Tina N. Fiorelli, Csilla Ari, Ashley J. Van Putten, Jacob W. Sherwood, Patrick Arnold, and Dominic P. D’Agostino (2016). Effects of exogenous ketone supplementation on blood ketone, glucose, triglyceride, and lipoprotein levels in Sprague–Dawley rats. Nutrition & Metabolism, 13(9).
      • Yeh, Y. Y., & Sheehan, P. M. (1985, April). Preferential utilization of ketone bodies in the brain and lung of newborn rats. In Federation proceedings (Vol. 44, No. 7, pp. 2352-2358).
      • Poff, A. M., Ari, C., Arnold, P., Seyfried, T. N., & D’Agostino, D. P. (2014). Ketone supplementation decreases tumor cell viability and prolongs survival of mice with metastatic cancer. International journal of cancer, 135(7), 1711-1720.
      • Hertz, L., Chen, Y., & Waagepetersen, H. S. (2015). Effects of ketone bodies in Alzheimer’s disease in relation to neural hypometabolism, ??amyloid toxicity, and astrocyte function. Journal of neurochemistry, 134(1), 7-20.
      • D’Agostino, D. P., Pilla, R., Held, H. E., Landon, C. S., Puchowicz, M., Brunengraber, H., … & Dean, J. B. (2013). Therapeutic ketosis with ketone ester delays central nervous system oxygen toxicity seizures in rats. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 304(10), R829-R836.
      • Youm, Y. H., Nguyen, K. Y., Grant, R. W., Goldberg, E. L., Bodogai, M., Kim, D., … & Kang, S. (2015). The ketone metabolite [beta]-hydroxybutyrate blocks NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated inflammatory disease. Nature medicine, 21(3), 263-269.


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Podcast Ep27: Paleo Diet & Keto Diet – How They Compare!

Burn It Nutrition Podcast

Paleo & Keto Diets How They Compare

Allies VS Common Enemy the SAD diet!

 Show notes for Episode #27

Get an understanding of the theory behind the paleo diet and how it differs from the ketogenic diet. To give you a better idea on which diet fits your lifestyle so you can make this next your of your life the best one yet. Also, we will clear up the confusion on why certain legumes are avoided on the paleo diet, and how some even fit in rice on a modified paleo diet!

I hope you enjoy the show!!

The Burn it Nutrition Podcast is a show focused on health and fitness with the use of sound and stories to help illustrate the message. We want to help spark body transformations with the use of strategic methods for weight loss. This podcast will be releasing fun and interesting shows, that will be informative and motivational to help you reach your goals!

The show is hosted by Joseph Navarro, who went through his own transformation, Losing 60lbs of pure fat in 7 Months. Tune in and brace yourself for it’s time to let it Burn!!

Timed Stamp Show Notes

00:20= Intro

03:42 = Paleo & Keto are No Fad Diets

11:25 = Spotlight on the Paleo Diet

16:58 = Why Dairy is not Paleo Friendly

20:07 = Why Grains & Legumes are not allowed on a Strict Paleo Diet

25:54 = The Benefits of a Modified Paleo Diet

32:12 = The issues with Soy

34:14 = Why Rice is OK on a Modified Paleo Diet

40:05 = Paleo & Keto How they Compare

47:37 = Closing thoughts
burn it nutrition Fat burning Machine

Thanks for Listening!

I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to our podcast.

If you know of anyone who can benefit from hearing this podcast, then please share it. Share it by using our social media buttons for this episode. Be the one who helps spark a transformation in your family!

Also, please leave us a review on the iTunes Burn it Nutrition Podcast page!

Every review helps us get noticed by iTunes so that we can help more people reach their health and weight loss goals. I would be truly grateful for this, and I do make sure to read every single one.

If you have some feedback that you’d like to share, then please send me an email to and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast, so you don’t miss another episode!

 Resources & References for this Episode: